Application of Propp's Theory in the Lion King I (1994) Movie by Irene Mecchi, Jonathan Roberts and Linda Woolverton


In this chapter the writer presents a little bit about the background of the movie which is going to analyze in the next chapter. The writer chooses The Lion King I (1994) as literary work for analyzing. The reason why the writer chooses this movie, it is because the writer already watched the movie more than 3 times, and also the The Lion King I (1994) is a famous animation musical movie at that time.

The Lion King I is an American animated musical movie produced by Walt Disney and published in June 24, 1994. This movie is written by Irene Mecchi, Linda Woolverton, and Jonathan Roberts. As we know, the influence in making a movie is important in critical analysis because it allows us to understand where stories come from, what builds the story and what the purpose of the story.

In The Lion King I, the authors are inspired by lion characteristic, and try to depth understanding about lion behavior with the environment. They explored two main characters in this movie, Simba and Scar through their actions in the plot. By plot, the writer tries to analyze their actions and characters. As a result, it is reflecting to the cause and effect of the movie.

In this paper, the writer discusses the application of Vladimir Propp’s theory in The Lion King I movie. The writer chooses Vladimir Propp’s theory; it is because this theory is the easiest from the others. Here, the writer focuses on the plot of the movie, since the Propp’s theory regarding in action and character. The writer tries to identify the each event or plot that represents the action and the character. Vladimir Propp’s theory is understandable when comparing the actions and the characters. In every action and character, there is a function.


This paper identifies the application of Vladimir Propp’s theory in The Lion King I movie through the main characters, Simba and Scar. According to Barry (2009), Vladimir Propp concluded that all tales are constructed by selecting items from a basic repertoire of thirty one functions. Function means is an action or event defined from the point of view of its significance for the course of the action (Aguirre, 2011). Propp noted that these thirty one functions seem to group naturally into “seven pheres of action”. He pointed out that seven spheres of action are reflecting a role from the character of the movie or tale. The seven spheres of action consist of the villain, the donor, the princess, the dispatcher, the hero and the false hero.
Even though, the writer knows that there is no a story which has all the functions, but mostly in a story these functions are always in fix sequence. Here, the writer tries to analyze the application of Vladimir Propp’s theory in The Lion King I movie.
As seen in the beginning scene in The Lion King I Movie. The movie starts with the first function; one of the members of a family absents him from home.
Scar absents in the ceremony, then Zazu tries to warning him (Function no 1)

The evidence is when Scar did not join the ceremony which is held by Mufasa. Scar did not leave home but he left the ceremony. The absence of Scar is the effect of his jealous to Mufasa (His brother). He against Mufasa, and always dislike to Mufasa’s command
The second function is interdiction, this function poof when Simba is requested to be next king to his father (Mufasa). We can guess the next event is the third function, violation. Violation means the interdiction is violated. It occurs When Scar enters to Simba and Mufasa’s life. Scar wanted to be replacing Mufasa.  As seen in the fourth function, Scar gathered some information to remove Mufasa and Simba. He collected the information about what will be happen in the future from Simba.


Scar persuaded Simba to visit “hyena’s kingdom (function no.6)
The sixth function finds out when Scar persuaded Simba to go to “forbidden land” of “hyena’s kingdom”. It is one of his attempts, he talked lie that “hyenas kingdom” is elephants graveyard. As a result, Mufasa must to help and rescure him from hynas who are going to kill Simba. Then, this causes stampede of the big animals Mufasa almost died, but Mufasa climbed to the top for escaping from wildebeest (stampede of the big animals). After knew Mufasa still alive, Scar tried to kill Mufasa by clawing Mufasa’s hands.

“Scar, brother, help me !” Mufasa shouted.
“Long live the king” Scar responded.

Scar tried to kill Mufasa (function no.7)
This event reflecting the 7 function, it means Mufasa (the victim) submitted to deception and thereby unwittingly helped his enemy. Here, Scar is Mufasa’s enemy but Mufasa tried to ask help to Scar. The next function is lack something is when Simba realized that his father (Mufasa) died; he became stress after what happens to his life. He was guilty of Mufasa’s death. Then, he decided left the kingdom and go far way.  
Nala met Simba When she was looking for some foods (function no.9)
The ninth function is When Nala (Simba’s friend) met Simba, she informed that there is something wrong in his Kingdoom (Pride Rock). Nala assumed that Simba should go back to Pride Rock. Here, Nala is as mediation for Simba. When Simba confused to go back to Pride Rock or stay live alone (solitary) is the tenth function applied in this movie. Simba as the hero agreed or decided upon counteraction. This situation makes Simba left the jungle (a place that he lived a life of solitude) and go back to Pride Rock. Simba arrival to the kingdom is presenting the eleventh function that the hero leaves home.
When Timon and Pumba were dancing hula hula for distracting Hyenas (function no.12)
Here, Timon and Pumba are as the helper since they helped Simba to enter the Pride Land to rescue his mother (Sarabi). Then, Simba (the hero) reacted to helper’s action after he saw that Timon and Pumba were fighting off the hyenas that are coming from Scar’s team. Simba’s reaction is the next function (the thirteenth function).
               Scar (the villain) and Simba (the hero) join in direct combat (function no.16)
When Simba saw Sarabi is attacked by Scar since she did not give anything because nothing left around Pride Rock. Simba was feeling angry to Scar, then they are engaging in direct combat. The sixteenth function is applied in this event.
Scar is defeated by Simba (Function no 18)
After Simba and Scar are engaging in direct combat. Finally, Scar is defeated by Simba The next function is misfortune or lack is liquidated, when Simba remember his father death because of his mistake that he go to “forbidden land”. After won the battle, Simba returned to Pride Land as a new king. This event is twentieth function that the hero returns.
Simba became the new king in Pride Land (Function no 20)
Simba is pursued and followed by the all animals (animals that are living in the Pride Land). Then, they realized that the false hero (Scar) is the evil uncle and already lied to everyone. Simba accepted a responsibility that a new hope for the kingdom. At the end in the movie is Simba is married to Nala.
Simba (the hero) is married to Nala (Function no.31)
Based on the plot above, the 7 spheres actions are described as follows:
·         The Villain is Scar
Since Scar did not care about his family. He only focus on his happiness.
·         The Hero is Simba
The evidence is Simba as the victim, he should be the new king but Scar is an evil character and want to remove Simba from the Pride Rock
·         The Donor  is Nala
The evidence is Nala always believes in Simba, and tries to accompany him.
·         The dispatcher is Nala
The evidence is when Nala assumed that Sumba should return to Pride Rock as soon as possible
·         The helpers are Timon and Pumba
The evidence, when they help Simba after he left the Pride Rock, at that time Simba did not have any friends. They also help Simba through Hyenas attacking.
·         The Prince is Mufasa (Simba’s father)
Since Mufasa always gives some good advice to Simba.
·         The false hero is Scar
The evidence is Scar claimed that he is the new king, in fact Mufasa chose Simba to be the new king.

In this chapter, the writer is going to conclude the analysis conducted. Propp’s theory, this theory always deals with the plot and categorized the characters. As previously mentioned that Propp used 31 functions and seem into “7 spheres actions”. In The Lion King I movie, there are some functions missing.
There are 10 functions are missing, 14, 15, 17, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26 and 30. The missing of the functions that may be caused the plot of the story is too short. So that, it does not need all the functions since with the function is already exist, the readers are able to understand the main point of the movie. But, the 31 functions was located in orderly, not randomly.
For “7 spheres actions” are all applied in The Lion King I (1994). The hero is Simba, the Villain and false hero is Scar, the donor and dispatcher is Nala. The helpers are Timon and Pumba, the prince is Mufasa, 


Aguirre, M. (2011). An Outline of Propp's Model the Study Fairytales. California: The Northanger Library Project.
Barry, P. (2009). Beginning Theory An Introduction to Literary and Cultural Theory. New York: Manchester University Press.



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