3 Traditional Foods in Ramadan
Ramadan 1438 started on Saturday, 27 May 2017. It means Muslims just fasting
about 12 days. During the month of Ramadan,
Muslim do fast start from before sunrise to sunset. For celebrating and
showing their greatful, Muslim usually break fasting with the family, people
loved, or close friends. Ramadan also related to the some kind of foods, or
maybe you only can seen these traditional foods during Ramadan.
Salak (Sweet Potato Dumpling Dessert)
food is a kind of dessert, but Muslim called it “takhjil”. Biji salak made from
round potato and mix with sugar or coconut sugar. Actually, you can find this
food easily. Not only about the good taste but also the price is also very
cheap. Its about five to eight thousand rupiah you can get one portion of sweet
potato dumpling dessert.
second is “Kicak”, I do believe that only a few people know this traditional
food. Kicak is a traditional food from Yogyakarta. Kicak is consisting of
sticky rice, grated coconut, coconut milk and topping with jackfruit. Wooow...
it sounds good to make this food for your break-fasting menu. This food on sale
at a price two thousand and five hundred to five thousand rupiah.
third traditional food is Ketan Bintul. Did you ever hear this food??? Ketan
Bintul is becoming popular during Ramadan. Takjil Ketan Bintul is one of
favorite food to eat for break-fasting in Serang, Banten. Ketan Bintul made
from sticky rice and relish of grated coconut. Sometime, Ketan Bintul also can
served with chicken opor. Hmmmm, it so delicious. The price around eight to ten
thousand rupiah.
(Source : thekitchn.com)
(Source : thekitchn.com)
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